Studio J (digital) classes and tutorials

NEWSFLASH:  Virtual Studio J classes coming soon.  Check back for detials.I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Studio J and I promise you will too.  It's so easy to use.  Whether you are a first time scrapbooker or a long time enthusiast Studio J will offer you another fast and simple way to preserve your memories in 5 easy steps. 

No software to install and learn how to use.  Nothing to get out or put away.  It's very easy to get started.  I encourage you to give it a try.  You can create and account free of charge and just try it out and then when you are ready to sign up for a membership where you will get the best value you can do that from your account.

To get started
     1)  click on STUDIO J to access the account.
     2)  Create and account or if you have an account click on log in which will take you to the site.
     3)  You can start playing or if you want to become a member click on "Become a member"
     4)  If you need help or assistance or have questions please contact me at

Check back often for more Studio J layout ideas on the home page of my blog:
Love Your Layout Video Series:
Close To My Heart has launched a new series of video tutorials that come out each month.  The series is called "LOVE YOUR LAYOUT"    The quick tutorial walks you through a layout each month.  If you have a STUDIO J account you will receive the tutorial in your email inbox each month.  So if you have not yet created a STUIDO J account hurry and do so.  Details for creating an account is posted  above.  After you watch the video hop over to STUDIO J and create the layout.

Video Tutorial:
This is a great video tutorial that walks you through the basic steps of Studio J.  (Turn off my playlist at the bottom of the blog before watching tutorial)


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