Well howdy everyone. I know it's been a while since I have talked to all of you. I discovered that I must throw away my wonder women crown and finally admit that I CAN'T do it all. Trust me it has been very difficult for me to admit that. Therefore I had to go on a blogcation in order to keep everything in my life in order. Sorry I didn't give you any warning and I pretty much didn't have any warning myself. I felt something had to be put on the back burner for a little bit and so this blog and CTMH had to go. At least for now. I hope things are getting back in order and I can gradually come back to normal speed.
Let me give you a run down of the activities at the Kankamp household.

This crazy whirlwind started the first week of December. My mom of 85 years old fell and broke her femur (that would be the upper leg) She ended up having surgery to have the bone fixed and ended up with with a rod, plates and several screws.
The surgery was in Colorado which is 500 miles away and recovery would be at least 6 weeks. Not being able to be with her every minute made life very stressful. She did great in surgery and very well with the recovery. She shocked all the doctors and nurses. The medical staff all said "Wow I have never seen an 85 year old women so stubborn and so much determination. She is amazing" However there were some very scary days after she got home with not eating, feeling to weak to get out of bed ect.......
Anyway, she has made a full recovery and as of yesterday she has been cleared to bear 100% weight on that leg and free to do all activities as she wishes. My mom cracks me up. She said to me after meeting with the doctor yesterday. "Gosh I was thinking that my surgeon was more handsome than he really is" OHHH mom you have to realize that drugs can make anyone look good. HAHAH.

Then during this recovery process my second daughter Alyssa decided that she wanted to take the plate off her clavicle. Remember back last spring when she fell off her bike while training for a bike tour and broke her clavicle. That darn plate was really bothering her. Well for insurance reasons we needed to get that out before the end of the year. Therefore she also had surgery. However, her surgery was same day and the recovery was not bad at all.
It's hard to believe that little plate and cup full of screws she is holding can cost so darn much. Important thing is that her clavicle is all fixed and she has completely recovered and back to normal activities as well.
Next on the agenda was the holidays. We had a fantastic holiday season. With two young adults and two teenagers in my house it's sometimes hard to get super excited about Christmas and make everything feel "MAGICAL" but somehow we did. We enjoyed spending time with each other and had a great holiday seasons and hope you did as well.
We continue to do chemotherapy every other week. Fred's last pet scan looked pretty good. The tumors had decreased in size and did not glow as much as the previous scan. We were really hoping to take a break for a couple of months but our Oncologist is concerned that the tumors will grow and we will not be able to control them if we take a break right now. So we will continue with chemo every two weeks until the treatment is not working or Fred does not tolerate the treatment.
Anyway that is the crazy few weeks I have had. I have several things to post so I will do that it the next few posts.